
Friday 19 August 2011

The shelves weigh heavy with more new beer!!

After my last post about exclaiming surprise at the new bottles in my local Tesco, the choice has become even wider this week.
It looks like the Goose Island lines are starting to get through, with their IPA finding its way into my trolley, it was the only one of theirs there so hopefully Honkers Ale will soon make an appearance.

In the 'European/World' beer section was two new German dark lagers, Kaiserdom Dark 4.7% abv, and Krombacher Dark 4.3% abv which both took my fancy and joined the Goose bottle. They also had the Hoegaarden Rose, and another called Mongoose Premium Beer but neither took my fancy.

In the new Stout section they now have the excellent Meantime's London Stout, and one 'Glencoe Wild Oat organic stout' although there was only the ticket and no stock currently. This seems to be brewed by 'Traditional Scottish Ales', and they also had 2 others of their ales listed but not available.

Marsdens VSOP is in good supply but now no sign of the Brewdog Alice \porter, shelf cleared! 
In the Welsh section new arrivals also from the Conwy Brewery, first time i have seen their beers in a supermarket other than briefly in an ASDA. These were the 'Honey Fayre' a 4.5% golden ale with honey, and 'Celebration ale' a 4.2% bitter which looks familiar to me but i'm not sure that i have had it.

Good job it was pay day today, i can start planning!!


  1. The wild oat stout is very nice indeed, in fact it is gorgeous I found. Had a couple of bottles a few weeks ago. At the moment my local branch of Tescos is undergoing a re-shuffle so I'm waiting until they have sorted it out before heading down to have a look again.

  2. I'll certainly look out for it then, be interesting to see who much changes in your branch.
