
Friday 19 August 2011

Kaiserdom & Krombacher Dark lager

The two new dark lagers i picked today, and i'll  review them together

Starting with the Kaiserdom Dark, 4.7% abv 500mls, its has a very dark brown/red colouring and a nice brown head. The Krombacher Dark, 4.3% abv, seems a little lighter, marginally more see through when held up to the light.

Aroma was reasonably strong chocolate malts, nutty, and light coffee for both, but the Kaiserdom seemed creamier. They also had similar light to medium carbonation, medium bodies.


The two have chocolate, light bitter coffee, some sweetness all in common, the main differences were that the Krombacher, maybe its because of the lower abv, seemed thinner and lighter. It was a little creamier but less bitter overall.  However both were enjoyable, easy drinks for the evening.

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