
Wednesday 10 October 2012

Arcobrau Winterbier

Just as my last post was talking of new beers in Aldi, this week I see those bottles are all gone and in their place is another bottle from Arcobrau. This intrigues me, will it be as good as their wheat beer?

'Winterbier' is 5.5% abv and £1.59, 500mls.
The reverse label says "genießen sie mit arcobräu winterbier vollmundigen geschmack und ein mildes hopfenaroma" which run through Google translator comes out as "enjoy it with full-bodied flavor Arcobräu winter beer and a mild hop aroma." Think I could of got the last bit myself though!!

A little research on the interweb shows its classed as a Dortmunder/Helles style lager. 
It pours a light yellow/golden colour, fizzy head that poured over the glass actually, cleaned up it took a nice photo.

Aroma is light and clean, a little grassy hops and sweetness, a whiff of honey, the taste is similar, very clean and fresh, medium carbonation, a hint of biscuits with the malt, light grass hops.

Really enjoyable, really drinkable, I'm not sure if I'll buy many more as its not one of my preferred styles of beer but all the same I wouldn't turn one down.


  1. As a fan of Bavarian-style Helles, I actually popped into my local Aldi and bought some bottles of this on the strength of your review. I'd agree with you - a quality, drinkable beer, but perhaps lacks that certain something that the best of the style have.

    A problem with Aldi is that "specials" are located well away from the normal drinks aisle, so it can be difficult to find what you're looking for.

  2. Thanks for that, nice to hear.

    Your right about the specials although I find in mine they are always in roughly the same place whereas in Lidl's they seem to place beer randomly around the store which is frustrating

  3. Apart from Aldi who are only stocking this until Christmas, does anyone know where else in this country we can buy it,

  4. I've never seen their beers sold anywhere else myself.
