
Friday 14 September 2012

Sierra Nevada Bigfoot Ale 2012

One beer I'm sure a lot of you have tried in the past, certainly one I think you should seek out if you have not.
US brewers Sierra Nevada and their Barley wine style monster (!) beer, this the 2012 release. Its 9.6% abv, 355mls, and I paid £3.89.

Beautifully glowing in the glass, a deep amber brown colour, with full head it looks so inviting.
From the aroma you get all that you might expect, dark fruits, malts, pepper, toffee.
Taste is a lot of those things as well, big punch in the mouth of richness and thickness. Very warming alcohol roundness.

Excellent example of a barley wine, I would love to try some older vintages based on what I had, and I'll certainly try to pick up future bottles too.

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