
Wednesday 25 April 2012

Kings Table Real Ale

My wife went to Hampton Court last weekend with some friends and brought me back a present, not quite the Knight in armour my son got but I was happy with a beer.

Its brewed for Hampton Court by Ballards Brewery. I'm not sure where they are based as their website says they brew in the 'heart of Sussex'  yet the address there says Nyewood in Hampshire?

Anyway look at the lovely label, great artwork. This is a bitter, 4.2% abv, bottle conditioned.
Interestingly alongside the usual pouring to avoid sediment advice it advises you to 'not refrigerate for longer than 30 minutes as a chill haze may result'.
Whilst I've read about beer's and hazes, I dont think I've seen that on a bottle before now.

Back to the beer, its a golden yellow, and an excellent example of how bottle conditioning can be done right.
Very little aroma, a little sweet citrus if anything. Good body, plenty of bitterness, clean and dry in the mouth, and extremely drinkable.

 Its nothing that will stand out but its not disappointing either. I wouldn't say you should seek it out but for any ticker you'll get a good session bitter alongside that tick.

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