
Tuesday 6 March 2012

Penpont Brewery 'An Howl'

The Penpont brewery in Cornwall produce this beer with, and a percentage each time goes to the Cornwall Rural Community Council (CRCC).

A golden ale, and a strong one at 5.6%,  it is called 'An Howl' which is Cornish for 'the sun'. It is 500mls, and I think it was bottle conditioned, although I didn't note it at the time.

It has a very fruity aroma, juicy oranges or a strong marmalade.
It's got a nice freshness about it, a good bitterness accompanies a dryness around the front of your mouth.
Satisfying is a word that springs to mind, the fruit and malts are balanced well, the body medium, its strong and refreshing.
One I'll definitely look out for on holiday on Cornwall this year.

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