
Wednesday 4 January 2012

Into 2012, bringing you Welsh beer

Already we are only into the new year a few days and a couple of excellent posts are around, from Ghostie talking about his aims, Boak and Bailey's 'What wedge?' post, Leigh talking sense, and Tandlemans cracking post here.
Go read and enjoy, or not, whatever your opinions are.

For this year myself I had already been thinking about the blog and how it would progress.

A quick scan of the beer reviews I did last year showed about only 20% were Welsh beers.
I had noted this a couple of months ago and tried to address this, featuring beers by  Newmans, Purple Moose, Jacobi and Wye Valley.
So to this end I am going to focus more on Welsh beers this year on the blog.
I will still drink and review all other beers that take my fancy, but you can find many reviews on other blogs for the likes of Thornbridge, Magic Rock, Kernel et al, so I aim to bring Welsh beers you may not be aware of to a little wider attention. 
I'm just an English beer drinking fella living in Wales and shall attempt to share what I find out.
(Regular brewery news, announcements and pub information is already brilliantly served by Brew Wales so I wont be going there.)

I've already got several bottles lined up, from the likes of Pen-lon, Celt Experience, Neath Ales,and  more from the Purple Moose and Vale of Glamorgan breweries.

(....but the beer geek side is still there and I have still to open that Mikkeller Breakfast bottle!!!).


  1. Thanks for the link dude. Have you got any of the Breconshire beers in the waiting list? They were always my favourite Welsh beers.

  2. I look forward to this and will be reading with interest

  3. thanks guys.

    I've only ever seen them occasionally on tap, not seen a bottle down my way yet, i'll have to seek them out.

  4. Dig deep, stand tall and seek those brews like your life depended on doesn't...but report back and inform the masses of the welsh gems.

    P.s. the Beer Geek Breakfast does not disappoint. Sup it, sup it now!

  5. Thanks for the mention. Glad you liked the wedge post.
