
Saturday 22 October 2011

Maisel's Weisse & Weltenburger Kloster Anno 1050

Two reviews sitting around in draft form, and must be a month or more since drinking.

Maisel's Weisse original, a Hefeweizen and 5.4% abv.
Vibrant orange colour, a little hazy, sitting on top a creamy white head.
Aroma of banana, cinnamon, quite yeasty and citrus.
Flavour wise I got a lot of vanilla and clove, banana again, lemon.
Soooo drinkable, smooth and enjoyable.

Weltenburger Kloster Anno 1050 - 5.5% abv.
Clear golden colour, foamy white head.
Sweet malty aroma, caramel.
Flavour was a little thin though, some more caramel sweetness, some herbal tones.
Overall a little disappointing, I found it a little bland, the sweetness a bit cloying too.

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