
Tuesday 2 August 2011

Refreshed Tesco beer line up

Whilst away on holiday, more about that later, my local Tesco seems to realised they have a bottled beer section and refreshed it, some might say dramatically. That might be a little OTT but considering one new line occasionally is all that changes here, to see 10+ new lines was a surprise.

As well as moving them all down the aisle, and it looks like Fullers my have lost out here as some of their range seems to be relocated to a top shelf above canned products rather than in the mix with the rest of the bottles.
First noticed was Brains newly launched 'Original Stout' , recently blogged by Brew Wales here. As we discussed there we wonder how it will affect the current stout they offer, Brains Black, which is quite decent. I'll try for a side by side tasting i think later this week.

I picked up these bottles today

Gales 'Summer Breeze', Brewdog 'Alice Porter', Nethergate 'Old Growler' and Williams Bros ' March of the Penguins'.
I left behind for another day: Morland 'Old Golden Hen', Marstons 'Oyster Stout', Wychwood 'King Goblin', Castle Rock ' Elsie Mo', Worthington 'White Shield', Shepard Neame '1698', St Peters 'Cream Stout'.
They also had at £1 a bottle Badger 'Golden Champion'

Some i've had before, some i haven't, and i know a lot of these are available in other supermarkets, but its good to see Tesco springing a bit of life into my shelves. And seeing as i think i read somewhere that they will soon be supplying Goose Island beers also its all good news.

Edit: i forgot, they also had new - Hook Norton Double Stout, and Youngs Double Chocolate Stout.


  1. Off to Tesco to stock up then!

  2. Wonder how much your branch has changed its line up too?

  3. Still not happy about them delisting Hawkshead Lakeland Gold from my local branch, though. And if there are no offers, they're about the dearest of the major supermarkets for beer, with many 500ml bottles at £1.89.

  4. My local Spar store has just expanded the range but put up its prices, stupidly so, pricing itself of the high street almost. £2.05 - £2.30 for Bombardier, Spitfire etc. when they are all under £2 at Bargin Booze 20 meters away.

  5. I remember a couple of years ago looking out of interest at the beer prices in a branch of Spar in a village in Sussex. It was about £2.30 for a 500ml bottle of Abbot and even £6.29 for 4x500ml cans of Stella. So people who lived there and didn't get the chance to shop at the supermarket in town certainly didn't get any cheap booze.

  6. I spoke too soon - Lakeland Gold is now back in my local store :-)
