
Friday 12 August 2011

Kernel Brewery Pale Ale Cascade

This is the first time that i've seen a Kernel Brewery beer, i was hoping some might be at the GWBC festival this year but it was not to be. So when i saw some bottles recently i picked this one up, although i did leave behind some of another Pale Ale, Nelson Sauvin i think. I sure some of you are thinking 'idiot!' now, and so am i now after drinking the Cascade.

The blogosphere is always heaping praise on the Kernel and i can now see why, this has been one of the best beers i drunk in ages.

500mls, 5.2% abv, i paid £3.29.

Beautiful orange hue, small bubbly white head.
Amazing aroma of grapefruit, orange, reminds me of opal fruits.
I get a good light bitterness, orange, maybe grapefruit, its perfumery also. Tangy is a word that is very apt i think with this bottle.

Overall a hugly enjoyable beer.
The only thing i would day that slightly, and i mean slightly, let it down was the very soft carbonation. By the time i got to the bottom half it felt almost flat, tasted great but a little lifeless.
Still i want, no need, to get that other bottle!


  1. Bottles of this just landed in Leeds. Its sound right up my street, a another winner from Kernel.

  2. I'm surprised out of the way cardiff got it before you guys!!
