
Thursday 9 June 2011

Daleside Morocco Ale

Its probably best if i start by quoting the information that accompanies this beer, it'll save me time and the job will be done properly!

This is a very dark, rich and mysterious ale brewed to an ancient recipe dating back to Elizabethan times. Full bodied, malty with spicy overtones this complex beer is only brewed occasionally. Enjoy a bottle as the perfect end to a perfect meal.
The recipe for Morocco Ale is believed to date from Elizabethan times. Colonel John Grahme of Levens was a courtier to James II and the name ’Morocco Ale’ may have been associated with the dark Moors who came to the court when Catherine of Breganza married Charles II and brought Tangiers as part of her dowry.
Every May-time until 1877, the unique, dark, spiced Morocco Ale, matured for 21 years, was served at a great feast held in Levens Gardens. The guests were required to stand on one leg and empty in a draught a tall constable glass filled with ’Morocco’ whilst pledging to the ancient house "Luck to Levens whilst t’Kent flows"

To be honest i was expecting an assault in my mouth by spices and ye olde flavours, but ended up being very pleasantly surprised by a very drinkable bottle.
Nice dark ruddy brown in colour when held up, small foamy ring on top. Aroma i thought was understated with sweet raisins, plums, hints of cinnamon.
Taste was on a medium body with light carbonation, and i got again raisins, rich fruit - almost blackberry like, light malts, ginger, and an interesting sweetness that reminded me a little of flat cola. With the slight medicinal and herbal feel to it, it thus reminds you that your drinking brewing history here.
 5.5% abv, 500ml bottle.


  1. Ah the old Morocco ale. An old favourite. It used to nearly fill the mash tun. It's even better on cask if you can find it.

  2. Lovely drop this one. Had it a couple of years ago, if I remember right, but I haven't seen bottles one sale anywhere for a while.

  3. i've only ever seen it in the one shop myself, but yes lovely stuff.
