
Monday 30 May 2011

Beer round up no.3

Quite a few draft posts piling up in my blogger dashboard, masquerading as beer notes so a little round up of the odd beer or two over the last month.

Lets start with a good 'un. Chimay White. I bought this at the Otley pub Bunch of Grapes and drank a while ago and remember it being damn good. Strong and golden, took a lovely photo too, Sweet, yeasty, apple and brown sugar. It made me want to go back and try the red and blue ones all over again there and then.

Sierra Nevada Torpedo Extra IPA. - Do you know, i wasn't that impressed with this, bit of a let down. Big burnt flavours, with nasty'ish grapefruit in there too. Bit cheesy, i was expecting something a bit cleaner tasting, this was so disappointing.

Conwy Brewery Welsh Pride - bought from ASDA i seem to remember. Bitter 4.0% abv. Light orangy golden colour with little head. Not great carbonation, light in the mouth and its was medium all round. Meduim bitterness, malts and interest. A little apple and grassy, just a bit ho-hum.

Schneider Weisse Unser Original - Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum. Beautiful murky red colour with fluffy white head. Banana and wheat aroma. Banana again in the flavour with nice even spices, cinnamon,  from the hops good bitterness, balanced with a deep but not overpowering caramel.

My first Alt was the Schlosser Alt.  I was not sure what to expect, something along the lines of a pilsner, but was quite surprised at what it was. Nice long malt flavours, nutty, chocolate, bready. A little dry and bitter, quite enjoyable in all.

 (there is more, but that'll do for now. )


  1. It's a big shame about the Torpedo as the two bottles I've tried have been packed resinous and citrus hops. Any idea of the best before? (remembering that the Americans swap their dates around)

    I'm hopefully going to be getting some of this in the summer so I'll let you know when I retry it.

    Nice round up and lovely photos!

  2. I think it was in date, the chap had only just got them in, perhaps i should give it another go. A bit like the hardcore ipa, perhaps thats a step to far down the extreme ipa road for me? gotta keep trying though!!
